LIT STUDIO is a dual reality, born from the encounter/ contamination of two cultures, the Middle Eastern culture and the Italian one. It offers its vision on all design scales, from product design to architecture.

Rudy Faissal born and raised in Beirut, he moves to Venice for university studies. After graduation, he begins his professional career at Dordoni Architetti in Milano. In 2008 he starts a collaboration with Giorgio Armani SPA as a freelancing architect and project manager designing luxury stores, restaurants and private residences. In 2015 he teams with Riccardo Boccia working on wordwide residential, F&B and retail projects.

Riccardo Boccia born in Ferrara, he attends the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Ferrara and the Royal Danish Academy of Copenhagen as an international student. After graduation, he starts working in Bologna. In 2013 he moves to Milan to continue his professional experience first at Storage Associati and then at DWA design studio. In 2015 he teams with Rudy Faissal working on wordwide residential, F&B and retail projects.